John Bolton Says He Won’t Vote for Trump or Biden in November

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton has said he won’t vote for President Donald Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden in November. In an interview with ABC News, Bolton said he would write in a conservative candidate.
“I don’t think he’s fit for office,” Bolton said of Trump. “I don’t think he has the competence to carry out the job. I don’t think he’s a conservative Republican.”
“I’m not gonna vote for him in November. Certainly not gonna vote for Joe Biden either,” Bolton said.
Bolton said he would “figure out a conservative Republican to write in.”
An initial report from the UK’s Daily Telegraph claimed Bolton had said he would be voting for Biden, but that newspaper failed to provide a quote to back up their claim. In reality, Bolton told ABC News he wouldn’t be voting for either of them.
“In 2016 I voted for Trump over Hillary Clinton,” Bolton said. “Now, having seen this president up close, I cannot do this again. My concern is for the country, and he does not represent the Republican cause that I want to back.”
Bolton also made clear that he wanted Trump to be a one-term president.
“We can get over one term — I have absolute confidence, even if it’s not the miracle of a conservative Republican being elected in November. Two terms, I’m more troubled about,” he said.