CNN’s Don Lemon: ‘No One Wants to Hear From the Birther-In-Chief’ on George Floyd’s Killing

CNN anchor Don Lemon absolutely unloaded on President Donald Trump after the Justice Department said Thursday that the president was “actively monitoring” the investigation of four Minnesota police officers over the death of an unarmed black man, exclaiming that nobody “wants to hear from the Birther-in-Chief.”
“No one wants to hear from the man who says that the former president was not born in this country, the CNN anchor continued, in something of a call-and-response fashion. “No one wants to hear from the man who said there are ‘very fine people on both sides.’ Do you understand what I am saying?”
“No one wants to hear from the person that they perceive as contributing to situations like this in this society,” Lemon kept going. “Not directly, but allowing people like that to think they can get away from this. No one wants to hear from the Birther-in-Chief, from the ‘sons of bitches’-calling person, who says that athletes are kneeling for this very reason.”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via CNN.