Barack Obama Set to Endorse Joe Biden in Video Message Today

Barack Obama Set to Endorse Joe Biden in Video Message Today

Former President Barack Obama will endorse Joe Biden on Tuesday. Obama is set to deliver a video message endorsing his former vice president. The two men served together from 2009 to 2017 and by all accounts became good friends.

Biden is now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee following Senator Bernie Sanders’ decision to suspend his campaign and endorse Biden. Though he does not yet have enough delegates to win on the first count at the convention, it looks clear now that he will be chosen with little difficulty.

Obama has stayed out of the Democratic primaries and President Donald Trump and his allies tried to make much of Obama’s decision not to endorse Biden early on. However, the former President’s endorsement today will rebut claims of a rift between them.

It’s not clear yet what exactly Obama will say in his video message or if he will mention the need to beat President Trump. He has been largely silent about his successor except for subtle criticisms every now and again.

Darragh Roche

Darragh Roche is Political Media Editor

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