Tapper Directly Addresses Trump: ‘Do You Have’ a Plan to Get the Country Out of This Mess?

A day after President Donald Trump spent much of his coronavirus press briefing attacking the press and airing grievances against perceived enemies, CNN anchor Jake Tapper delivered an on-air message to the president: do you have a plan to get the nation back to normal or are you just interested in pleasing your fans and Fox News?
“Is there a plan? Please, Mr. President, the American people, they need answers to these questions,” he pleaded. “They are less interested in your popularity on Facebook. Thousands of Americans are in mourning. They’re horrified when you make leering illusions to your history with models while discussing projection models of mass American deaths.”
“Attacking governors and mayors and journalists for asking questions that might please your fans, it doesn’t save one life,” Tapper concluded. “This is not about winning a news cycle on Fox. Please. The American people right now need someone to explain what is going to be done to get us out of this. It’s a moment that requires leadership, it requires honest information, it requires empathy, and it requires a plan. Do you have one?”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via CNN.