Pence Flustered After Wolf Blitzer Confronts Him on Trump ‘Belittling’ Coronavirus

Vice President Mike Pence was left flustered when CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer pressed him on Wednesday about President Donald Trump’s lengthy period of downplaying the coronavirus pandemic, insisting that Trump was just being an “optimistic person” and not “belittling” the crisis.
“Let me just interrupt, respectfully, Mr. Vice President,” the CNN anchor stated. “What I’m suggesting that he was saying at one point, it wasn’t as bad as the regular flu and he was talking about automobile accidents.”
“He seemed to be suggesting that, at one point there were 15 cases, it would get down to zero very quickly,” he continued. “That was what I was basing that sentence on. But go ahead and make your point.”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via CNN.