Jim Acosta: ‘This Was a Different Donald Trump Tonight, I Think He Gets It’

Jim Acosta: ‘This Was a Different Donald Trump Tonight, I Think He Gets It’

CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, known for his rough-and-tumble verbal battles with President Donald Trump, likely shocked most CNN viewers on Tuesday night when he praised the president’s new tone at Tuesday press briefing, claiming “this was a different Trump.”

“The stark message we got in the briefing room this evening is unmistakable,” the CNN reporter said. “This country is about to go through a horrendous terrible experience, and I have to tell you, people may not believe the president when he says any of this, and I have been — you and I have been, you know, pretty critical of him from time to time.”

“Yeah,” Cooper replied.

“This was a different Donald Trump tonight,” Acosta concluded. “I think he gets it, Anderson.”

Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.

Watch the clip above, via CNN.

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