Police Armed with Catapults Will Protect Trump from Feral Monkeys on India Visit

President Donald Trump is due to visit the Taj Mahal – perhaps the most famous landmark in India – but there are concerns that one security threat could ruin the event: monkeys. Visitors to the historic site are frequently harassed by rhesus macaques.
Trump will be protected by special monkey police armed with handheld catapults to prevent attacks from 500 to 700 feral macaques. In recent years, the animals have become more aggressive towards tourists in the Indian city of Agra and any incident involving Trump and First Lady Melania Trump would be embarrassing.
Locals in the city reportedly voiced concerns about the monkey following a series of incidents. In one case, a baby was snatched from a home and subsequently died.
“The terror of the monkeys is so pervasive that women and children are scared of going up on the roof of their houses, which have almost been taken over by monkeys,” one local told India Today.
“If such a large troop of monkeys attacks Donald Trump’s entourage, it will be a disaster.”
Trump is due in India on 24 February and the Secret Service doesn’t have too much experience dealing with feral animals, so the Indian police should be a welcome addition to the trip.