CNN’s John Berman Blasts Senators for Missing Impeachment Trial: ‘The Herculean Task of Sitting Down’

As the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump heard its’ opening arguments on Wednesday, many senators were not present to hear them. Despite rules that say senators cannot leave the chamber while the trial is going on – since they’re the jurors – many did just that.
On Thursday, CNN’s John Berman took them to task and mocked the ease of their current assignment. Berman began by criticizing Senator Lindsey Graham who praised Congressman Adam Schiff’s remarks despite not having been in the room to hear them.
“In fact, many of the senators of both parties were not at their desk at different times despite the rules which require the apparently Herculean task of sitting down for a few hours,” Berman said.
“This isn’t digging ditches. This isn’t manning a foxhole. This isn’t working in an assembly line,” he said. “This is sitting in a chair and enjoying all the milk you can drink. But I guess it’s not like the future of the republic is at stake. Oh, wait. It is.”
“Remember, this is the so-called upper house, the cooling saucer, the higher chamber. Those cushy six-year terms which apparently aren’t long enough for some to spare a few minutes to sit down. Now, this is in the meant to hurt anyone’s feelings because being a little mean apparently gets you rebuked by the Chief Justice of the United States.”
“But leaving the chamber for extended periods of time while the President is on trial, no problem,” Berman said. “It may be the real risk they run by, you know, sitting, is they might learn something.”
Watch the video above, via CNN.