Joe Scarborough: Mitch McConnell ‘Is Going to Have a Hell of a Rough Run in 2020’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough has speculated that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could struggle to retain his seat in this year’s Senate elections. The Morning Joe host pointed to McConnell’s low approval ratings in his native Kentucky and other challenges facing Republicans.
“By the way, Mitch McConnell’s sitting at what, 18% in his own state?” Scarborough said. “Everywhere he goes he’s had people shouting in open rallies, Moscow Mitch. He’s going to have a Hell of a rough run in 2020.”
“I don’t care how cocky people are that send out the videos that say Cocaine Mitch. You know what. those dollar bills that they have going through the Cocaine Mitch little video tribute, it’s gonna be rubles by the fall that he’s counting. I mean, he’s gonna be up for a tough fight.”
“Cory Gardner’s up for a tough fight. Martha McSally is up for a tough fight. Susan Collins, dear lord she’s gonna be up for a tough fight. Mr 32% himself, Thom Tillis in North Carolina also going to be up for a tough fight. So — and you look at these numbers, I mean, you know, by 20 percentage points. People want to see witnesses [in impeachment].”
If McConnell were to lose his seat that would be a serious blow to the GOP. The party has a narrow path to retaining control of the Senate.
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.