Chris Wallace: Inspector General ‘Didn’t Find the Things’ Trump and Bill Barr ‘Alleged’

Shortly after the Department of Justice’s inspector general found there was no political bias and the FBI had sufficient evidence to launch the Russia probe on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said the real headline from the long-awaited report would be that the IG “didn’t find the things” that President Trump and Attorney General William Barr alleged.
“Remember, this comes against the backdrop of Donald Trump talking about the investigation of him in 2016 as a political hit job at one point he talked about President Obama ordering the wiretapping of Trump Tower,” Wallace stated on Fox News.
“In one of these hearings, Attorney General Bill Barr talked about the FBI spying on the Trump campaign and later said spying is not a pejorative word. I view it is a perfectly legitimate word and usually people talk about surveillance, not spying which would seem to have a negative connotation,” the Fox News Sunday host added.
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.