David Gergen Aghast at Giuliani’s Ukraine Trip: Will Impeachment ‘Turn on the Word of a KGB Agent?’

Former presidential adviser David Gergen poured scorn on Rudy Giuliani’s activities in Ukraine. The former New York mayor returned to Ukraine this week just as the House Judiciary Committee took up impeachment. Giuliani met a former KGB agent, in Kyiv in what most commentators believe is a very poorly timed trip.
“I think what he is doing, working with the person he’s working with over there is so tainted that it poisons the whole effect of what he’s trying to do,” Gergen said.
“I mean to think the main point that’s been reported, the main person he’s been talking to — his father was head of intelligence for the KGB in Ukraine,” Gergen said.
“The man himself graduated from a KGB school in Moscow,” he said.
“And the man himself was a member of a fringe party in the parliament of Ukraine, a pro Russian party — are we now going to have impeachment turn on the word of a KGB agent?”
“Give me a break!” Gergen said.
Giuliani has met many questionable characters in his pursuit of dirt on Joe Biden, including corrupt former prosecutors. He returned to Ukraine in an effort to undermine the impeachment probe but his actions have not made thing any better.
Gergen has advised several presidents, including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
Watch the video above, via CNN.