Fox News Guest: ‘The Vast Majority of the Presidential Candidates Right Now Are Socialist Candidates’

The Heartland Institute’s Justin Haskins made the major claim on Wednesday that the majority of Democrats running for the presidential nomination are socialists. Haskins was speaking to Fox & Friends about he increasing popularity of socialism among the American public.
Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy pointed to Senator Bernie Sanders, who has been the subject of attacks from the right for his socialist ideas. But Haskins went further by suggesting that most of the Democrats vying for the nomination were socialists.
“I would actually argue that the vast majority of the presidential candidates right now are socialist candidates,” Haskins said.
“They may not call themselves socialists but they in fact are endorsing socialist policies. If you co-sponsored the Green New Deal and many of the presidential candidates right now who are running in the Democratic Party co-sponsored it, including Elizabeth Warren, you are a socialist without any question whatsoever.”
“That is a socialist policy. And most Americans do not want socialism. Outside of the Democratic Party, 50% of independents said they would not vote for a socialist. And even one in three Democrats said that they would not vote for a socialist in this survey. So Americans don’t want socialism. They just don’t know that the Green New Deal and Medicare for all and those kinds of policies are socialist policies.”
Despite attacking Democrats for being socialists, Haskins went on to say a socialist couldn’t be elected anyway. This has been central tension in Fox News’ ‘socialist’ attacks in recent weeks.
“There is no chance a socialist will win if — there is a big if here though,” Haskins said. “Only if the conversation becomes a question choice between socialism and free enterprise, socialism and free market, socialism and individual liberty. If that’s the question then absolutely Donald Trump will be very successful in 2020.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.