Turning Point USA Spokesperson: We’re Not ‘Serving Any Zoo Animals’ for Thanksgiving Like ‘Socialist Venezuela’

A spokesperson for conservative group Turning Point USA has told Fox & Friends that it’s great Americans won’t have to eat zoo animals for Thanksgiving dinner. Alex Clark was giving her advice on how to handle ‘leftist’ relatives when she made the remark.
“The very first thing I want to say do you want to find some common ground at Thanksgiving dinner with your leftist relatives, admit you both want Hillary Clinton to run in 2020,” Clark said.
“But you know that it’s never, it’s never the conservatives that try to go there during Thanksgiving dinner,” Clark went on.
“It’s always our aunt who, you know, has the pink cat hat. That’s who it is who is bringing this stuff up. We don’t have to worry about that. We gotta be — if they do do it, we gotta be ready. We gotta be prepared.”
“We can also ease their tensions by suggesting that, hey, you know what’s great? Is that this year for Thanksgiving dinner we’re not going to be serving any zoo animals like socialist Venezuela because America will never be a socialist country, right?”
“Right. Pass the zebra,” co-host Brian Kilmeade said.
“Oh my gosh,” guest host Emily Compagno said.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.