Joe Scarborough: Republican Defenses of Trump Are the ‘Epitome of Stupid’

Joe Scarborough: Republican Defenses of Trump Are the ‘Epitome of Stupid’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough raked House Republicans over the coals on Thursday for their continued defense of President Donald Trump. The Morning Joe host slammed what he saw as the stupidity of Republicans’ arguments and their bad faith.

“So it’s very easy to be a Thursday morning quarterback, but I really do feel we have more of a responsibility,” Scarborough said.

“Not this network, every news network to put in big flashing letters, this argument presupposes, right, that Donald Trump would have done — he did this because he was caught. But many times they will go on and do this nonsense for an hour and there will be no cleanup.”

“And they give the clips to Fox News, so they’re probably running the stupid arguments,” he said. “Which is, he didn’t do anything because he got caught. The cops came into the bank and said the jig is up, sonny boy. It really, Willie [Geist], it was just the epitome of stupid.”

“There are actually some smart legal scholars who have totally sold themselves out. Writing article yesterday, going Sondland has cleared this guy,” Scarborough laughed.

“It is preposterous. One final thing. I hope you all don’t mind if I indulge for a second. I’m almost done. One final thing, OK? Sondland, did he really think that he was even fooling his pet chihuahua? His hairless pet chihuahua that he pets in his Dr. Evil chair at night wherever he lives? Did he think he was kidding anybody? Burisma, I didn’t know that it was — Burisma, I didn’t know anything about that. How do we know? How do we know that it was about Biden?”

Scarborough pointed out that Trump raised Biden on his call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“I really don’t understand what was going on with the Republicans not being called out more aggressively than they were,”he said.

“It was one of the stupidest, most depressing days I’ve ever seen watching television. And I really felt like all of America’s IQ dropped about a hundred points because their defenses were in such bad faith, or actually just revealed the mind of extraordinarily stupid human beings. Either way, it was and is depressing to watch.”

Watch the video above, via MSNBC.

Darragh Roche

Darragh Roche is Political Media Editor

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