Fox’s Geraldo Rivera: Criminal Investigation into Russia Probe Could Ensnare Barack Obama

Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera believes the criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia probe could end up implicating former President Barack Obama. The Justice Department is ‘investigating the investigators’ in what is widely seen as a partisan effort to undermine Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
“We had John Ratcliffe, congressman from Texas just about half an hour ago, he made the point the Department of Justice was used by the administration, it was the administration during Barack Obama,” Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy said.
“Here is the fascinating prospect or possibility, however remote,” Rivera said. “If you’re going up the food chain and now the food chain consumes James Clapper the head of the National Security Agency and John Brennan head of CIA. What’s above that? How far up do you get?”
“You go through the Attorney General. Then where are you? You’re in the White House of the 44th president.”
“Did Barack Obama know that the intelligence agencies were seeking to delegitimatize his successor? At what point did know? What did he authorize? What role did he play?”
Rivera was asked how high up the chain of command the investigation might go.
“How high, we’ll follow the evidence. They were pushing this rock up the hill. This was the rock that was gonna get Trump thrown out of office. So what. Then they found we don’t have the evidence. Now the rock’s coming back on them. That vivid metaphor works.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.