Grieving Parents Reject Trump’s ‘Bombshell’ Surprise to Meet Son’s Killer at White House

President Donald Trump ‘ambushed’ a British family by trying to introduce them to the woman who killed their son in front of the media. Harry Dunn, a 19-year-old on a motorbike, was hit by Anne Sacoolas’ car while she was driving on the wrong side of the road in the UK earlier this year. Motorists in the UK drive on the left.
Sacoolas, the wife of a U.S. diplomat, left the UK in September as she enjoyed diplomatic immunity. The Dunn family has traveled to the U.S. in the hopes that Sacoolas might return to the UK to answer for the incident. They were given an urgent invitation to the White House by National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien.
Once there, President Trump planned to introduce them to their son’s killer in front of a pool of photographers.
Trump would open a side door where the Dunn family would find Sacoolas waiting for them. However, upon discovering the plan, the family categorically refused to meet her and expressed dismay that O’Brien had invited them to the White House for what appeared to be a media stunt.
The family felt ‘ambushed’ by the ‘bombshell’ that Sacoolas was in the next room.
“Firstly, being invited to the White House in the first place which came right out of the blue,” family spokesman Radd Seiger said, saying there had been four surprises that day.
Their second surprise was meeting Trump, Seiger said, but the next surprise was the ‘bombshell’.
“Thirdly that Mrs. Sacoolas was present in the building and fourthly that it was the president’s intention for Harry’s family to meet Mrs. Sacoolas in the Oval Office in front of several photographers in what was obviously designed to be a press call.”
“It struck us that this meeting was hastily arranged by nincompoops on the run and in particular Mr. O’Brien, who appeared to be extremely uptight and aggressive and did not come across at all well in this meeting which required careful handling and sensitivity,” Seiger said.
Sacoolas has apologized for the death of Harry Dunn but has not returned to the UK. The family continues to pursue justice for him. The family has said they would seek a suspended sentence for Sacoolas if she returns to the UK to face likely indictment and trial.