Ben Shapiro Demands to Know What Brett Kavanaugh’s Junk Looks Like

Monday was a bad day for conservative pundit and “cool kid’s philosopher” Ben Shapiro.
First he got dragged online for asserting that rap is not real music because his father, who went to music school, doesn’t think it is real music.
But that incident was just the prelude to Shapiro’s big question of the day: if Brett Kavanaugh really showed his penis to women, how come no one has actually described what his ween looks like?
Ben Shapiro dismisses allegations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh with “Nobody has yet described Kavanaugh’s [genitalia]”
— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) September 16, 2019
“We have had a bevy of public figures who in recent years have had their genitalia described on television by people who alleged sexual assault. Stormy Daniels famously described President Trump’s genitalia. Bill Clinton genitalia, details of such were talked about. No one has yet described Kavanaugh’s geni–now that’s not dispositive…The bottom line is, we’ve had no corroborating details on any of these stories. All of them apparently happened in public places.”
As weird as this is to fact-check, it should be noted that Stormy Daniels could describe Trump’s penis after a consensual sexual encounter a few years prior. The description of Bill Clinton’s penis came from Paula Jones after her alleged encounter with the president in 1991, and was disputed by Monica Lewinsky, who had multiple liaisons with him not long before testifying about it.
But the alleged incidents with Kavanaugh happened quickly at college parties where a great deal of drinking was going on 35 years ago.
This is all to say that the circumstances of each encounter being what they were, it does not seem odd at all that the one person who has gone on record as saying Kavanaugh wagged his weenie in her face, Deborah Ramirez, has not described it in detail. She would have seen it for only a second, in a possibly darkened dorm, while drinking. Whereas Daniels’ and Lewinsky’s encounters with Trump and Clinton would allow for much more, um, study.
But if anyone out there can describe Kavanaugh’s wang in detail, please let Ben Shapiro know.
Watch the video in the embedded tweet above.