Diamond And Silk: Democrats Are Hypocrites For Appealing To Both Religious And Non-Religious Voters

Conservative duo Diamond and Silk (Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson) appeared on Fox & Friends again on Friday morning. The semi-regular contributors had some strong opinions about the Democratic Party’s recent recognition of religiously unaffiliated voters. This group is large and growing, but Hardaway and Richardson were not impressed.
“Wow. Well, first of all, we are, you know, we are the United States of America. We believe in God in this country,” Hardaway said. “And we believe in religious freedom. With that said, when I look at the Democrats, they are being straight hypocrites because it was two weeks ago they were standing in a black church pandering for votes.”
“And now it seems they are in this secular movement pandering for their votes. It is sad that they are being hypocritical d they are trying to do anything or say anything to get a vote or they are trying to do anything to beat Trump,” Hardaway said.
The core of Hardaway’s argument is that Democrats cannot reasonably appeal for votes from people of faith and non-religious people, while at the same time Hardaway appeared to dismiss non-religious people. She later went on to intimate that appealing to religiously unaffiliated voters could be a threat to believers.
“And not only that but these people — OK, we have religious freedoms. I don’t want anyone taking away my religious freedom,” Hardaway said, seemingly apropos of nothing, though a host had asked about Democrats ‘alienating’ religious believers.
“They done took God out of the school. You can’t do this. You can’t do that. I don’t want anyone doing that to me.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.