‘Fox & Friends’ Hosts Bible Study Live On Air: Participants Praise Fox News, Bash Abortion

Fox & Friends, Fox News’ flagship morning show, held a Bible study live on air on Friday in a departure from its regular programming. Co-host Ainsley Earhardt brought in her Bible study group, who appear on Fox Nation, to discuss Christianity but also to make some distinctly political points.
One of the women in the study group was Ashley Bratcher, star of Unplanned, a movie that has been widely panned as anti-abortion propaganda. Bratcher did not reference abortion directly, but she and Earhardt did discuss the movie in a way that was clearly intended to be a criticism of abortion.
Bratcher talked about tiny human beings, while Earhardt joked that she would find it hard to get a job since starring in Unplanned.
Aside from thinly veiled attacks on Planned Parenthood, the Bible students took some time to praise Fox News.
“You’re a concert pianist,” Earhadt said to Fox religion correspondent Lauren Green. “You have worked for Fox for a long time. We’ve worked together for more than 12 years. How do you feel about — I mean, Fox has never told me you can’t say something. We work at this great network that allows us to be ourselves, allows us to be real. You are a religious correspondent.”
“A lot of people ask me how can you be a religion correspondent and not — and be such a strong Christian and be fair to everybody,” Green said. “The idea is that I know everybody is made in the image of God and they have dignity on that level. People are equal. Ideas are not always equal but people are equal. And that comes from my Christian faith.”
Casual viewers of Fox might have reason to question whether Fox News correspondents actually treat everyone equally.
The entire segment was a strange departure for a national cable news network. Fox News is consistently pro-Christian, but Friday’s Bible study took this to the next level. It’s hard to see the decision as anything other than Christian propaganda, albeit in a relatively light and innocuous form.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.