Tucker Carlson Tells Everyone to ‘Calm Down’ After He Calls White Supremacy a ‘Hoax’

Tucker Carlson Tells Everyone to ‘Calm Down’ After He Calls White Supremacy a ‘Hoax’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson called on those who were outraged by his outright dismissal of white supremacy as a problem to “calm down” on Wednesday, asking that everyone be given the “benefit of the doubt” when they make “bad decisions.”

“I want to take a second to pass on a sincere message to officials in Washington and particularly to our colleagues at the other cable news channels,” the conservative host said. “And it’s this—please, for the sake of the nation, calm down.”

Acknowledging that racism is indeed a problem in America, Carlson went on to list off other problems he feels are much worse, such as the national debt and a “fading middle class.”

Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via Twitter.

Contemptor Staff

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