Democrats Are Preparing To Fight Trump If He Refuses To Accept 2020 Election Results

President Donald Trump has frequently suggested that he could stay in office after his term has expired, usually referring to a second term. Though most commentators haven’t taken this seriously, Democrats in Congress are concerned that Trump could dispute the results of the 2020 election if he loses.
Trump has previously claimed that he would have won the popular vote in 2016 but for illegal voting. There is no evidence for this. More recently, Trump and his allies have suggested that his first two years in office were stolen because of the Mueller investigation and he should be compensated for that somehow.
However far-fetched these scenarios might be, Democrats are seriously concerned that Trump will dispute the election results in court. If the President loses in 2020, he will remain a lame duck from November to January and his campaign could easily launch lawsuits.
Lengthy lawsuits are a favored tactic for Trump and Republicans have had success with this in the past. The notorious Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore handed the presidency to the George W. Bush in a decision that many considered flawed and partisan. If the 2020 election is close, the GOP could try a similar route.
Trump and his cheerleaders in the media have repeatedly claimed that he will win in a landslide and that he’s leading in all swing states. This is demonstrably untrue but it has created a narrative for Trump supporters who may refuse to accept defeat.
However, if Trump loses, his term will expire on 21 January 2021, regardless of ongoing lawsuits. Barring an actual coup d’état, Trump will leave office but Democrats are still preparing for potential lawsuits.