CBS Host to Steve Scalise: Your Solution to Climate Change Is to Drill for More Oil?

During a climate change discussion on CBS This Morning on Friday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) responded to questions about man-made climate change contributing to erosion of land in his home state by claiming Louisiana is using Gulf of Mexico oil drilling revenues to rebuild land, prompting host Tony Dokoupil to hold his feet to the fire.
“Let me tell you what we’re doing—we’re actually taking revenues from drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and using that to rebuild land to rebuild our coast,” he said. “I think it’s a real important step to show people how to take ownership of the problem that they have in their own community.”
For his part, Dokoupil pointed out how this seemed highly contradictory.
“So to save your constituents from climate change, you’re drilling more in the Gulf of Mexico?”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via CBS News.