Fox Media Analyst Howard Kurtz Complains That CNN and MSNBC Are Too Partisan: ‘All Seem to Be Opinion Shows’

Fox Media Analyst Howard Kurtz Complains That CNN and MSNBC Are Too Partisan: ‘All Seem to Be Opinion Shows’

Is there anything more drenched in irony than a host on Fox News, a network that every night features Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, complaining that the primetime lineups of CNN and MSNBC contain too many opinion shows?

No, there is not.

Nevertheless, there was Howard Kurtz making that case to Stuart Varney during Monday morning’s edition of Varney and Co. on Fox Business Network.

Varney was complaining that the commentary on CNN and MSNBC is so heavily tilted against Donald Trump and suggested that Kurtz, the media critic for Fox News, could not be happy about that as a “media guy.”

Kurtz responded:

“I think there are some fair reporters at both networks. But certainly when you turn on the prime time shows, and it’s getting increasingly hard during the day, they all seem to be opinion shows, you’ve got these panels that are six to one anti-Trump. There’s no secret about it, this is the way they are being programmed.”

Has Kurtz never watched his own network’s primetime lineup?

Fox News and Fox Business hosts have regularly gotten in trouble for attending Trump rallies. The president regularly calls some of these hosts, such as Hannity and Lou Dobbs, for advice. He has been known to patch them into high-level meetings. But sure, the problem here is bias on other networks.

Earlier in the segment, Varney noted a Trump tweet from over the weekend in which the president said he had been watching MSNBC. Kurtz suggested that viewing the more liberal network was a form of “masochism” for Trump. Now he knows how liberals feel watching Fox Business.

Watch the video above, via Fox Business.

Gary Legum

Gary Legum has written about politics and culture for Independent Journal Review, Salon, The Daily Beast, Wonkette, AlterNet and McSweeney's, among others. He currently lives in his native state of Virginia.

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