John Oliver Trolls Meghan McCain: ‘I Bet Her Husband Is Going to Be So Mad at Me!’

John Oliver took harsh shots at political spawn Meghan McCain and her itchy-Twitter-fingered husband Ben Domenech on Sunday night’s Last Week Tonight.
Oliver started off his show with a segment blasting Icelandic pop group Hatari, a competitor in last week’s Eurovision Song Contest. Hatari drew attention partly for its BDSM-themed outfits, but mostly for raising Palestinian flags during the vote-counting part of the contest that was held in Israel.
It turns out that one of Hatari’s members is the son of Iceland’s ambassador to Great Britain, which led Oliver to the McCain comparison.
“You may be thinking that’s the most embarrassing child of a prominent political figure you’ve ever seen, but let me remind you of the continued existence of Meghan McCain!” the host exclaimed.
He then went after Domenech, referencing The Federalist publisher’s unhinged tweetstorm he aimed at Seth Meyers in the wake of McCain’s appearance last week on Meyers’ show Late Night.
“Oh no! Oh no! I bet her husband is going to get so mad at me now!” Oliver hollered while bouncing up and down in his chair and clapping his hands like a little kid on a sugar binge. “What on earth is he going to tweet and then delete? I can’t wait to find out!”
Watch the video embedded above, via HBO.