WATCH: Trump Promises Louisiana a New Bridge if He Wins 2020 Election

Somewhere a whole bunch of contractors in Atlantic City are clutching their heads.
President Trump promised a crowd in Louisiana that his administration will build a new Calcasieu River Bridge along Interstate 10 in southwest Louisiana if he wins re-election in 2020.
“I give you this commitment,” Trump told a crowd at a liquefied natural gas export facility in Hackberry, Louisiana on Tuesday afternoon. “If we win this election, which is just 16 months away, we’re giving you a brand-new I-10 bridge.”
The crowd cheered as every worker Trump ever stiffed for payment during his long business career frantically waved their arms to get the crowd’s attention.
Left unstated was whether Louisiana still gets the bridge even if Trump loses his re-election bid. Hopefully it will, because the Calcasieu River Bridge is in desperate need of replacement.
According to the magazine Roads & Bridges, the bridge opened in 1952 and was only expected to last for 50 years with a traffic load of 37,000 vehicles per day. As of 2016, it was handling 80,000 vehicles per day, or more than double its design load 14 years past its original intended end of life.
Furthermore, the National Bridge Registry rated the bridge a 6.6 out of 100 on its safety scale. The I-35 West Mississippi River Bridge in Minnesota had a rating of 50 out of 100 when it collapsed in 2007, killing 13 people.
So hopefully Trump will get this bridge replaced whether he wins or loses next year. Maybe it can even be part of the infrastructure package he keeps telling the Democrats he would like to join them to pass through Congress.
Watch the video up top.