‘Morning Joe’ Calls For News Networks to Ban Trump Administration Officials Over Nonstop Lying

The crew of Morning Joe spent part of Monday morning’s show debating whether news networks should bother hosting Trump administration mouthpieces on their air in the wake of revelations that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has admitted flat-out lying to the press.
Mika Brzezinski kicked off the conversation by talking about how Sanders had only apparently told the truth to Robert Mueller and his team because she was under oath, then went right back to telling lies in “Cuckoo Land, which is Trumpworld.” She asked the Associated Press’ Jonathan Lemire where journalists go in the future “with a situation like this,” where the White House’s main spokeperson is an admitted liar.
Lemire responded by noting that journalists have had the same debate over whether or not to interview Kellyanne Conway, who has similarly been accused of bald-faced lying. Lemire also said that he hopes Sanders will begin doing daily press briefings again so that the media can hold her accountable for her lying.
Brzezinski said that Sanders is “never accountable” for her lies, then threw it over to Joe Scarborough, who spent a few minutes debating the issue with presidential historian Jon Meacham. Scarborough said that he had watched Rudy Giuliani on a couple of talk shows over the weekend trying to spin the Mueller report in Trump’s favor and wondered why the interviewers didn’t keep interrupting the president’s lawyer to “call him out” on the lies he was telling.
Meacham responded with concern about how the Trumpian habit of lying and building “alternative realities” now shapes American culture, and with some dismay that so many Americans are comfortable with the level of “dishonesty” coming from the White House.
Scarborough closed the segment with some very wishful thinking that the public, if it doesn’t want to listen to morning show hosts, would actually get “educated” by reading facts on the Internet. As if these universes of alternative facts aren’t all over that as well.
Watch the segment up top, via MSNBC.