Dershowitz Compares Trump Investigations To McCarthyism: There’ll Be A Court Case Against Congress

Fox News covered the filing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report Saturday morning by returning to talking points its hosts have been using for months. Seizing on a report that Mueller is not recommending further indictments, Fox & Friends Saturday tried to spin the investigation in Trump’s favor.
However, Fox News legal analyst Alan Dershowitz pointed out that there was still political difficulty ahead for the President, though he blithely dismissed any legal implications for Trump. Dershowitz provided the Fox News hosts with a return to the ‘witch hunt’ narrative that Trump himself has been spinning.
Dershowitz was asked if the case for impeaching Trump got better.
“No question it got better,” Dershowitz said. “Legally we now know there will be no more indictments from the Special Counsel. But, be wary. This will be a one-sided report. It will draw every conceivable inference against the President. They did not hear exculpatory evidence. The witnesses against the President were not cross-examined. That’s why I called for the attorney general not to release the report immediately but, first, turn it over to the Trump defense team.”
“Let them write their rebuttal. Let them be issued simultaneously. Let the public then be able to judge the adversary process rather than looking at one-sided report. So I think it’s too early for the President to celebrate. He’s off the hook legally as we all knew he would be. You can’t indict a President for firing somebody who he is entitled to fire. And there’s no such crime as collusion. Is he not off the hook politically. I think this report will be very, very critical and it must be answered.”
Dershowitz misrepresented the nature of the investigation and parroted the phoney talking point that there is no such crime as ‘collusion.’ He went on to attack congressional Democrats and anyone else investigating Trump.
“I do think the Democrats will find some things in the report to seize on,” Dershowitz said. “The report may also give a kind of road map for further investigations by the Democrats in the House, by the southern district of New York. And by others. So this is the end of one very important phase of the investigation. But it’s not the end of the entire investigation.”
“Democrats are determined to go, you know, slice by slice after the President through 80 subpoenas, 15 investigations. Make it impossible for him to govern. I predict here that there will be a court case against Congress for misusing the authority of their investigation. Remember, they’re supposed to investigate for purposes of legislating. I remember, I’m old enough to remember the McCarthy period, when right-wing Republicans misused the House Un-American Activities Committee not to legislate but to expose. And that’s not a proper function of Congress.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.