Don Jr. Accuses Democrats of Scheduling Michael Cohen Testimony to Distract From North Korea Summit

Presidential spawn and sporter of the latest in divorced-dad beard fashion Donald Trump Jr. spent some time on Monday morning visiting with the crew of Fox & Friends. The purpose of his visit was, like all of Trump Jr.’s Fox News appearances, to air out all the bats that have been gathering in his belfry.
More specifically, Trump Jr. was very upset because he believes that Democrats scheduled his father’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, to testify in a public congressional hearing this week to distract from the president’s Vietnam summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un:
“You’ve got the president trying to deal with a major world issue, and to try to distract by bringing in a convicted felon and known liar? I mean, it’s pretty pathetic. It shows you how much, really, the Democrats hate Trump. They hate Trump more than they love America by a long shot. And it’s pretty disgusting they would do that. If their tactics are not being exposed to regular Americans. You guys covered Bill Maher. This is the sentiment, this is the disdain, that the left has for hard-working regular Americans.”
The nervous laughter when he says “known liar” is, perhaps, a little tell that the Trump family is sweating Cohen’s testimony more than it would ever publicly admit.
Cohen is a major figure in the investigation into whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. He is also reporting to prison in two months. So the Democrats have to get his testimony sooner rather than later. He has already been rescheduled at least once. Sure, maybe bringing him in while the president is in Vietnam is not a coincidence. Or maybe there are some limits on his availability in the very near future.
Trump Jr. goes on to hit the talking points that African-American and Hispanic unemployment have hit all-time lows under his father. This is another Trumpian tactic, to suggest that the work the family is doing should offer some sort of magic shield against criminal liability if they are found to have committed any crimes, or even just done anything particularly underhanded and sleazy. Obviously, the world does not work that way.
Watch Trump Jr. complain in the video at the top of the post.