58 Former National Security Officials Slam Trump’s National Emergency

Fifty-eight former national security officials will issue a 13-page statement on Monday slamming President Donald Trump’s national emergency. Former officials from a range of different positions in former administrations will detail their objections to the emergency.
“The President’s actions are at odds with the overwhelming evidence in the public record, including the administration’s own data and estimates,” the former officials said.
“We have lived and worked through national emergencies, and we support the President’s power to mobilize the Executive Branch to respond quickly in genuine national emergencies. But under no plausible assessment of the evidence is there a national emergency today that entitles the President to tap into funds appropriated for other purposes to build a wall at the southern border.”
The statement will be signed by former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and John Kerry, former Defense Secretaries Chuck Hagel and Leon Panetta, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and a number of other officials, including diplomats and cabinet members.
The Trump administration is already facing legal challenges from outside groups and a resolution of disapproval in Congress. This resolution will pass the House easily, but Democrats will have to convince a number of Republicans in the Senate to vote for it if it is to succeed.
Trump will veto the resolution if Congress adopts it, but this will not stop lawsuits in the courts, which could ultimately lead to a Supreme Court case and potential defeat for the administration.