Trump Appears To Claim Using The 25th Amendment Is ‘Illegal And Treasonous’

President Donald Trump attacked former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe Monday morning. Taking to Twitter, Trump appeared to claim that using the 25th Amendment to remove a president would be ‘illegal and treasonous’. He was likely responding to an interview McCabe gave Sunday night.
“Wow, so many lies by now disgraced acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe. He was fired for lying, and now his story gets even more deranged. He and Rod Rosenstein, who was hired by Jeff Sessions (another beauty), look like they were planning a very illegal act, and got caught,” Trump tweeted.
“There is a lot of explaining to do to the millions of people who had just elected a president who they really like and who has done a great job for them with the Military, Vets, Economy and so much more. This was the illegal and treasonous ‘insurance policy’ in full action!”
It is not entirely clear what potentially illegal acts Trump is referring to. McCabe has claimed that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was willing to wear a wire on his visits to the White House. Rosenstein has denied this.
Trump may be referring to McCabe’s claim that the individuals in the Justice Department seriously considered asking the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment, which allows for the removal of an unfit president. It is not clear what exactly would be illegal about this.
However, Trump recently tweeted the opinion of conservative Alan Dershowitz, who claimed on Fox News that would be unconstitutional. Obviously, the 25th Amendment is a part of the Constitution, though it has never been used.
McCabe also disputes that he was fired for lying. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions claimed McCabe was fired for a ‘lack of candor’. McCabe believes his firing was politically motivated. The President is also still keen to criticize his former attorney general, who recused himself from overseeing the Special Counsel’s investigation.