Robert Mueller May Be Ready To Report On Russian Collusion

Special Counsel Robert Mueller may be ready to report on Russian collusion in the 2016 presidential election. Mueller is reportedly preparing to issue findings on whether Russia did interfere in the election and whether President Donald Trump’s campaign was involved.
President Trump has publicly pressured Mueller to end the probe, claiming he will be exonerated and that the whole thing is a witch hunt. However, the investigation has continued and Mueller has done his work quietly, garnering more than two dozen indictments and guilty pleas.
Mueller’s investigation will decide whether there is clear evidence of collusion with Russia during the 2016 election and whether Donald Trump obstructed or attempted to obstruct justice. Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey, later admitting he did so because of Russia. This may have been an attempt to obstruct the investigation into Russian involvement in the election.
Even if Mueller reports soon, his report may never be made public. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosentein has quietly urged Mueller to wrap up the probe quickly and Republicans in Congress have done their best to discredit it, with the President calling it a ‘witch hunt’. Mueller will report to Rosenstein.
However, right-wing attacks on Mueller don’t seem to have worked effectively. Attempts to politicize the investigation have not proven useful in ending the probe. Much will depend on the results of November’s midterm elections. If Republicans retain control of both houses of Congress, they will likely resist further action.
If Mueller concludes that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the finding will be unprecedented and could lead to serious legal jeopardy for those involved with the campaign. If Mueller finds that the President himself was involved, or that he obstructed justice, the consequences remain to be seen.