GOP Gubernatorial Candidate: I’m ‘Going To Stomp’ All Over Opponent’s Face With ‘Golf Spikes’

So will the civility gatekeepers in conservative media be spending much of their time today denouncing this?
In a Facebook video posted on Friday, Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial nominee Scott Wagner blasted Democratic incumbent Tom Wolf and insisted he wasn’t going to be “waving the white flag” despite polls showing him down by double digits. After railing against Wold and his Democratic “cronies” and saying the governor “wasn’t very smart,” Wagner ended his Facebook Live post by declaring his intention to stomp Wolf’s face in.
“Governor Wolf, let me tell you, between now and November 6th you better put a catcher’s mask on your face,” Wagner growled. “Because I’m going to stomp all over your face with golf spikes because I’m going to win this for the state of Pennsylvania! And we’re throwing you out of office because I’m sick and tired of your negative ads!”
He ended his short video by saying “enough is enough” and he’s going to get the people of the state to vote Wolf out of office.
Of course, Wagner is in all likelihood just speaking metaphorically — his campaign spokesperson said the threat shouldn’t be “taken literally” — here about stomping in a sitting governor’s face with spiked shoes. (And how stereotypically Republican is a threat that includes golf spikes?) But this comes on the heels of Republicans and right-wing pundits pushing a narrative of Democrats becoming an “angry mob” and inciting violence, recently pointing to former Attorney General Eric Holder’s “when they go low, we kick ’em” riff on Michelle Obama’s slogan.
While Holder quickly noted after making his remarks that he didn’t mean to do anything “inappropriate” or “illegal,” Wagner’s video offered no such caveat. So does this mean we’ll see conservative media devote a bunch of time to calling out Wagner and demanding civility in our political discourse?