Trump Callously Mocks Christine Blasey Ford At Rally While Crowd Cheers Him On

Remember when pundits and commentators were credulously repeating that President Trump had found Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s Senate testimony compelling and credible? Do you recall when the president was being lauded for his “respectful” treatment of Ford after she came forward with her allegations that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were in high school?
Yeah, good times.
If there is one certainty in the current age we live in, it’s that Trump will always revert to the mean. During tonight’s campaign rally in Mississippi, the president played to his supporters and took aim at Dr. Blasey’s testimony in which she described the alleged assault.
Mocking Ford for supposedly not remembering all the details from the night she was allegedly attacked by Kavanaugh, the president callously imitated the professor and chided her for noting that she had “one beer.”
“I had one beer!” Trump exclaimed. “‘How did you get home?’ I don’t remember. ‘How’d you get there?’ I don’t remember. ‘Where was the place?’ I don’t remember. ‘How many years ago was it?’ I don’t know.”
He continued, as the crowd of Trump fans roared, “I don’t know! I don’t know! ‘What neighborhood was it?’ I don’t know. ‘Where’s the house?’ I don’t know. ‘Upstairs, downstairs, where was it?’ I don’t know. But I had one beer, that’s the only thing I remember.”
The only thing shocking about this is that it is no longer shocking.
Watch the clip above.