Trump Won’t Drop Kavanaugh Because It Wouldn’t Be ‘Winning’

President Donald Trump is not going to withdraw Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, according to a new report from The Daily Beast. The President’s allies view a withdrawal as potentially damaging to his reputation and his agenda.
Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault while in high school, which has serious imperilled his chances at confirmation, but Trump and his team are not considering dropping him. The Senate Judiciary Committee is preparing to hear from him again and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, a professor.
“A withdrawal would be disastrous for Trump,” a former Trump campaign operative told The Daily Beast. “You take away the whole ‘we’re sick of winning’ message. That’s a huge, marquee, top-line loss.”
President Trump famously said that voters would be ‘sick of winning’ when he became president. Though his critics would point out that he has not achieved much of what he promised, for many Trump supporters the economy and Neil Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court are evidence Trump is winning.
Trump seems to have accepted that the accusations against Kavanaugh must be investigated. ““If it takes a little delay, it’ll take a little delay,” he reportedly said.” However, he has said the idea of withdrawing Kavanaugh is ‘a ridiculous question’.
A consensus has been forming in the press that Brett Kavanaugh was the hardest choice to confirm to the court. Other reliably conservative judges are less controversial than Kavanaugh and might have had an easier time. However, Kavanaugh’s views on whether a president can be indicted appear to be a key consideration. The administration will push on with the nomination.