‘Wow!’ Anderson Cooper Left Flabbergasted By Ex-Trump Adviser Claiming He’s Never Heard Trump Lie

Earlier this week, the Washington Post highlighted that over his first 466 days in office, President Donald Trump had made 3,001 false or misleading claims. While that is an average of 6.5 a day, the Post noted that in the past two months, the president had ramped up his lying, averaging nine false claims a day.
During a CNN panel discussion on Wednesday, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper was left dumbfounded when former Trump campaign adviser David Urban claimed, with a straight face, that he never heard the president say anything demonstrably false.
“I think the president is prone to hyperbole,” Urban declared. “Yes, absolutely. I absolutely agree with you on that. Do I think he’s purposely misleading the American people? No, I don’t.”
“Wow,” Cooper responded, rendered speechless for a couple seconds as panelist Rick Wilson laughed. “I am not sure I believe you that that’s what you really believe.”
Cooper and Wilson tossed out a couple of easy examples of Trump lying — his claim that millions of illegal immigrants voted for Hillary and Obama was born in Kenya — only for Urban to characterize that all as “campaign hyperbole.” The Trump surrogate went on to claim that if you followed around every member of Congress every day you’d find just as many examples of them exaggerating.
The CNN anchor reacted by saying he still wasn’t hearing Urban’s clarification between a hyperbole and a lie, leading Wilson to jump in and point out that the president has lied fairly regularly. Meanwhile, Cooper and Wilson would attempt to get Urban to admit that Trump does toss out false statements, but to no avail.
Watch the clip below, via CNN.
“Wow… ok. I am not sure I believe you that that’s what you really believe”
Anderson Cooper responds to former Trump campaign strategist David Urban's claim that he’s never heard President Trump tell a lie.https://t.co/mkR40JZPC0 pic.twitter.com/XwdVtYsl66
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) May 3, 2018