Watch: Keith Olbermann Compares Trump’s Media Tweets To Watergate

Keith Olbermann’s latest YouTube video for The Resistance takes on President Donald Trump’s recent tweets attacking the media. Trump has consistently attacked the media, claiming journalists are liars who peddle fake news. But two recent tweets claimed the media were the enemy of the American people. This went too far for Olbermann.
Olbermann compared Trump’s tweets to the Watergate scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon. Olbermann called the comments ‘suicidal’ and ‘fatal’ to his presidency. Olbermann also explained that Trump’s attacks on the media won’t bring him down instantly, it took two years before the Watergate break in brought down Nixon.
Olbermann believes that Republicans will struggle to defend Trump’s ‘totalitarian’ words in the mid-term election and will have to abandon him. By calling the press ‘the enemy of the American people’, Trump has attacked the Constitution, Olbermann said. Trump’s presidency is already doomed. For Olbermann, it is just a matter of time.
You can watch below.