Trump Pauses Speech For 20 Seconds To Allow Crowd To Chant “Lock Her Up”

At a campaign rally on Monday afternoon in which he finally addressed the huge New York Times story about his $916 million income loss in 1995 and how it may have allowed him not to pay taxes for nearly 20 years, Donald Trump also egged on the crowd to engage in a well-known (and much derided) chant.
After noting that he has been a “big beneficiary” of tax laws and legally used them to help out himself and his company, he turned to discussing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. As soon as he mentioned her name, the crowd started booing loudly, causing Trump to stop and smile.
Then, it happened — a long, sustained “lock her up” chant, just like we witnessed numerous times during the Republican National Convention.
Now, did the Republican standard-bearer attempt to dissuade his rally-goers from behaving like this? C’mon. Instead, he just stood there silently for 20 seconds while the chant grew louder and louder. Because who doesn’t like to hear a mob calling for your political opponent to be jailed, amirite?
Eventually, he began speaking again, saying “Folks, let’s win on November 8th. Let’s just win, OK.”
Below is video of the moment, courtesy of CNN:
The crowd at Donald Trump’s speech chants “lock her up” when he mentions Hillary Clinton
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) October 3, 2016