The Blaze’s Tomi Lahren: There Are Thousands Who Deserve Citizenship More Than Colin Kaepernick

The Blaze’s Tomi Lahren posted a video on Facebook last night and launched a long tirade against Colin Kaepernick, the San Francisco 49ers player who is sitting during the national anthem to protest racial inequality in America. Tomi Lahren’s comments strongly implied that Kaepernick does not have a right to citizenship.
“Colin, if this country disgusts you so much — leave,” Lahren said. “I guarantee there are thousands and thousands of people around the world who would gladly take your spot, because those that don’t live under this flag are banging on the door to get in, not get out. Remember that.”
The vaguely threatening comments echo what Donald Trump said yesterday. But they also imply that Kaepernick could lose or renounce his citizenship through his actions. Black Americans did not have automatic citizenship before 1865 and Lahren seemed to say that Kaepernick should be grateful for it.
“After all, aren’t you half white?” Lahren asked. “Didn’t two white parents adopt you after yours weren’t willing to raise you? For a racist and horrible country filled with racist and horrible white people, that’s really something, isn’t it?” Lahren’s white mother gave him up for adoption and raising the subject in this way seem like an unnecessary attack. His adopted parents are white.
Lahren managed to attack President Obama and criticize black leaders into the bargain: “We also have a black woman in charge of the Justice Department — maybe she failed you, too. Or maybe it’s the liberals, your saviors, which have run your communities into the ground. Where does the buck stop? When will those in black communities take a step back and take some responsi-damn-bility for the problems in black communities? Because it seems to me, blaming white people for all your problems might make you the racist.”
Her bleach passed the brain barrier.