Democrat Challenged To a Duel By Maine’s Governor Says He Needs ‘Professional Help’

The Democratic state representative challenged to a duel by Maine Governor Paul LePage says he doesn’t want an apology from the Republican after he left an angry messaging swearing and later challenged him to a duel. Representative Drew Gattine thinks LePage needs ‘some sort of professional help’.
LePage, who supports Donald Trump, has a history of controversial statements. He recently described non-whites as ‘the enemy’ in Maine’s war on drugs. His tirade against Gattine is just the latest in a string of bizarre statements. He once said most drug dealers were Hispanics from out of state who often got white girls pregnant before heading home.
“Look, a bad guy is a bad guy, I don’t care what color it is,” Le Page said. “When you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you dress in blue, you shoot at red, don’t you? You shoot at the enemy. You try to identify the enemy. And the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority right now coming in are people of color or people of Hispanic origin. I can’t help that. I just can’t help it. Those are the facts.”
“I think Maine people are getting extremely concerned after six years and these kind of escalating events with respect to our governor that he is now at the point where he isn’t fit to be governor, that he really probably needs to get some sort of professional help and that as a state, we’re not going to be able to solve our problems, including this very serious problem we have with heroin under the leadership of this governor,” Gattine told CNN. “And you know, we’re just concerned that we can’t move our state forward with this man as our governor.”
LePage has made a series of unforced gaffes and his occasional attempts to apologize have only made matters worse. Maine faces a serious heroin problem but LePage’s rhetoric about drug dealers has done nothing to help. Maine’s largest newspaper recently apologized for endorsing his gubernatorial run. The governor’s most recent series of gaffes may be the last straw for Maine’s voters and legislators.
“Look, a bad guy is a bad guy, I don’t care what color it is,” Le Page said. “When you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you dress in blue, you shoot at red, don’t you? You shoot at the enemy. You try to identify the enemy. And the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority right now coming in are people of color or people of Hispanic origin. I can’t help that. I just can’t help it. Those are the facts.”