Keith Olbermann Points Out Trump’s Condolence Tweet To Dwyane Wade Was Ghostwritten

After news broke that NBA superstar Dwyane Wade’s cousin, Nykea Aldridge, was shot and killed in Chicago, GOP nominee Donald Trump, in the middle of his ‘pivot’ to appeal to African-American voters, sent out a tweet that was shockingly craven, even by his standards. Initially misspelling Wade’s name, he took credit for somehow calling that this would happen and then said this proves that black will vote for him.
The Republican standard-bearer took a ton of heat over the tweet, as many noted that Trump’s first instinct was to make the tragedy about himself and then exploit it for political gain, and not to offer sympathy to the family of Aldridge. (We’ve seen him do this over and over and over.) Eventually, Trump’s Twitter account deleted the initial tweet, replacing it with a near identical one correctly spelling Wade’s name, followed by another one offering condolences to Wade and his family.
While it was speculated that campaign manager Kellyanne Conway was the one trying to do damage control and took over the Twitter account, Keith Olbermann spotted a detail that, at the very least, proved Trump didn’t send out the condolence tweet.
Oh look, an afterthought written by somebody else FOR @realDonaldTrump (he tweets via Android)#Asshole#Psychopath
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) August 27, 2016
.@jbarro Actually neither of those tweets was by Trump. His original, now deleted, misspelled Dwyane Wade’s name.
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) August 27, 2016
Well, you gotta give it to the eagle-eyed former MSNBC host for noticing that the tweet was delivered via iPad, all but confirming that Donald Trump had nothing to do with the afterthought sympathy towards Wade. He later commented on the sequence of events for Trump regarding the tragedy.
1. Trump tweets depravity
2. Staffer: “you misspelled Dwyane”
3. Tweet deleted
4. Correction tweeted
5. After-thought Condolences— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) August 27, 2016
Too bad Keith only has Twitter as his platform now, and not a cable news show or talk radio program. Sadly, despite rumors over the past year, it doesn’t appear that we’ll be getting Olbermann back on TV anytime soon.