Jill Stein: Hillary Clinton Is ‘Too Big To Jail’ For Her ‘Abuse Of The Rules’

Last night’s CNN Green Party Town Hall was a chance for presidential candidate Jill Stein to set out her stall to voters. In a wide ranging interview, Stein, a medical doctor, took aim at Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and even the Commission on Presidential Debates. She was joined by her running mate Ajamu Baraka.
CNN host Chris Cuomo asked Stein if Clinton’s use of a private email server while at the State Department meant she shouldn’t get classified material. “Part of the problem, you know, with Hillary’s abuse of the rules, she was sort of too big — you know, too big to jail on the rules,” Stein said. “And she violated those rules with a sense of impunity, and she violated them for a purpose which she stated herself, that she wanted her private information private.”
Stein’s comments echo what Donald Trump and his supporters have been saying about Clinton for months. Many conservatives believe Clinton avoided prosecution because of her position. Calls of ‘Lock her up!’ have become commonplace at Trump’s rallies and even among some Bernie Sanders supporters.
The Green Party candidate also attacked the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates. “And the Commission on Presidential Debates is not just an ordinary public interest commission. It’s a private corporation that is run — excuse me — of, by, and for the Democratic and Republican Parties,” Stein said. “The League of Women Voters quit the debates when the commission came forward, and they quit, saying this is a fraud being committed on the American voters, because it allows these two these two parties to set a standard for admission that silences political opposition.”
Stein’s criticism of the Commission on Presidential Debates is similar to Trump’s insistence that he will only attend the debates if certain unspecified conditions are met. He also suggested the Democrats were rigging the debates, despite the Commission’s independence.