DNC Starts Under Specter Of Russian Hackers, DWS’s Departure And Jeers For Sanders

Anyone feeling a hangover from the Republican National Convention with its brooding drama, negativity, fear-mongering, divisiveness and fantasy make-believe, who might be expecting a less theatrical run during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, will likely be disappointed from the looks of things so far.
The bromance between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin was connected to the recent theft of 20,000 embarrassing emails from the DNC computers when researchers concluded the system was penetrated by Russian intelligence agencies, according to a report in the New York Times.
Nonetheless, an unidentified hacker supposedly released the emails to the infamous WikiLeaks group, which is how they surfaced onto the public feeding- frenzie between Hillary supporters and so-called Berniacs. They were less concerned about potential Russian meddling in American politics than an overall tone of the emails that were allegedly designed to hasten Sander’s departure from the presidential race after Clinton had gained the number of delegates she needed to clinch the nomination.
Indeed, the unpopular DNC chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had lost favor with some members of her own Party, was asked to resign in the attempt to appease Bernie Sanders and his tenacious supporters. The frustration by this dedicated group has resulted in some believing that Sanders might still find some miraculous way to take over the nomination.
At the very least, the Bernie-or-Bust mentality that is used to justify a no-vote for Hillary by many, is something that Sanders himself has rejected, because he has fully endorsed Clinton and maintains that it’s time to unify the Democratic Party in the urgent need to block Trump from the White House.
The Bernie Delegates Network, an organization which is as it sounds, held a press conference in Philadelphia on Sunday, after which the coordinator, Norman Solomon opined that he would not be voting for Clinton.
In addition, Jackie Kucinich wrote this in her Daily Beast article Monday about Solomon’s plans: [they will be] conducting another poll soon to determine if delegates want to protest the pick on the floor of the convention. He expressed regret that certain decisions made by Clinton would keep him from voting for a woman.
“It really hurts me to be standing and feeling like I can’t really support the first woman who is likely to be a candidate for president,” Solomon said. “I would like to be able to do that. But boy are they making it hard.”
It’s now crunch time, and the leaders of Bernie groups like Solomon, by their own example, are undermining the requests of their own hero, who wants help to defeat Trump.
When Sanders called for help from his supporters on the convention floor Monday afternoon, he got boos and jeers from his own minions, even after he called on his, “brothers and sisters,” to join him in doing whatever is needed to defeat the Republican bully, Trump.
“We have got to defeat Donald Trump and we have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine,” he declared 15 minutes into a speech to most of his 1,800 delegates.
“We want Bernie! We want Bernie! We want Bernie!” was the responding chant.
But these people, who refused to listen to the man they claim to admire and support, are demonstrating what critics have said about them all along: They have no real knowledge of the political process; their positions aren’t based in reality; they don’t understand how important the next US Supreme Court appointment will be to their progressive causes; they don’t have a clue how important it is not to help a misogynistic, bigot and buffoon slime his way into the White House.
Yep, when the convention has Sanders’ supporters heckling him over his mature vote-for-Hillary advice to block a charlatan—the drama has taken on ugly, destructive tones before the main event has even begun.
Sanders lost. Clinton won. Get over it. Go home, grow up. And vote like adults, instead of helping Donald Trump, Moscow’s dream candidate win the US presidency.
***The author of this article, Delilah Jean Williams, wrote the award winning, 5-Star rated, Scorched Earth, Alien Wonders. It is a light-hearted, eco-adventure, for all ages told from a non-human perspective about a group of animal-disguised aliens sent to Earth to find out if the remaining humans are savage bastards or a benevolent tribe. It takes place in a vastly different future after most of mankind has relocated to Mars from their climate-ravaged planet. It can be previewed at Amazon.com