Scottie Nell Hughes: I Don’t Want To Brush Up On Dora The Explorer To Watch DNC

Welp, when you have four Trumpkins on the payroll, and every segment seems to feature a Donald Trump supporter, this kind of thing is bound to happen.
Shortly after Virginia Senator Tim Kaine was introduced as Hillary Clinton’s running mate on Saturday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer hosted a segment with political commentator and super Trump fan Scottie Nell Hughes. Hughes was recently hired by CNN as a contributor after appearing on the network numerous times as a Trump-defending guest.
Speaking about Kaine’s roll-out, a day after Hillary tapped him as the Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate, Hughes was initially complimentary of the speech. She noted that Kaine had a relaxed and approachable demeanor on the stage while bringing lots of energy. She also noted that Hillary seemed to be at ease, having fun at the event.
But then the casual bigotry came spilling out. Contrasting it with this week’s Republican National Convention, the conservative pundit mentioned Kaine’s use of Spanish during his speech. While pointing out that Kaine may have appealed to different cultures, Donald Trump “spoke in a language that all Americans can understand. That is English.”
Continuing along that train of thought, she then wondered if she was going to be able to understand any of the speeches at the Democratic National Convention next week.
“I didn’t have to get a translator for anything that was going on at the RNC this week. And I’m hoping I’m not gonna have to kinda start brushing up on my Dora the Explorer to understand some of the speeches given this week.”
And, in typical Wolf Blitzer fashion, he just blankly stood there and said nothing. No pushback. (There WAS Spanish spoken at the RNC.) No condemnation. Nothing. Good job, CNN.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Raw Story: