Donald Trump: I Would’ve Gotten Black Pastors’ Endorsement If It Weren’t For #BlackLivesMatter

While Republican Presidential frontrunner and fat creamsicle Donald Trump has spent much of the past two weeks trying to get every Muslim in America to hate him, he’s also done a bang up job with the African-American community. In between tossing out falsehoods about seeing Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11 and calling for the closing down of mosques, Trump has also gone out of his way to demonize and insult blacks. Besides defending his supporters for beating up a black man at a campaign event, The Donald also tweeted out a racist meme providing inaccurate murder rates for black offenders.
In an obvious effort to prove that he is isn’t a fascist who is using racial animosity to shore up votes among the white nationalist crowd, the celebrity billionaire announced last week that he was scheduled to meet with a hundred black pastors. After their meeting, scheduled for Monday, they would hold a press conference where all of the clergy members would endorse Trump for President.
Well, a funny thing happened on the way to the so-called mass endorsement. He forgot to confirm that all of these pastors would be jumping on the Trump bandwagon. The ringleader of the meeting, Darrell Scott, is a Trump supporter and helped connect his campaign with other black pastors. However, he might be the only one of the group who actually endorses Trump when it is all said and done. He has since said the whole thing was a “miscommunication,” especially after many of the people scheduled to meet with Trump on Monday, and others within the black religious community, said they absolutely would not be offering him their support.
During an appearance on Morning Joe on Monday, Trump tried to save face over the fact that he had to cancel the planned press conference later that day. He pointed out that he was still scheduled to meet with the group later on, but also floated out a Trumpified conspiracy regarding the reason why he wasn’t getting his expected big-time endorsement. See, those goddamned Black Lives Matter troublemakers got to the very great and wonderful pastors and forced them to pull back their support.
“I think what happened, probably some of the #BlackLivesMatter folks called them up and said, ‘Oh, you shouldn’t be meeting with Trump because he believes that all lives matter,'”the real estate mogul said. “I believe black lives do matter, but I believe all lives matter very strongly.”
“What I think what happened is a lot of pressure was put on them,” he continued. “But it doesn’t matter, I’m going to have a meeting and have no idea what the meeting is. I’m going to a meeting, I have a great relationship with the black pastors. I have fantastic relationships with the people. But I do think pressure was put on them when they heard there was a meeting by people that maybe disagree with certain things.”
If you noticed, The Donald essentially repeated his infamous comment of having a great relationship with “the blacks” during this interview. I’m sure it is all just a coincidence.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of MSNBC: