Scott Walker Tells Fox That He Was Just Joking About Building A Wall Along Canadian Border

During an appearance on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom on Tuesday morning, Wisconsin Governor and flailing Republican Presidential candidate Scott Walker attempted to explain away his earlier comments regarding a wall along the Canadian border. In an interview with Meet the Press’s Chuck Todd on Sunday, Walker said that he felt it was a legitimate issue regarding the lack of a large fence or wall securing America’s northern border and he had discussed the matter with voters in New Hampshire.
Speaking to Fox host Bill Hemmer, Walker said that it was all “just a joke” regarding his remarks to Todd.
“This is just a joke in terms of how people react to things. I’ve said for some time that we need to secure the southern border. I’ve talked about the infrastructure, the personnel and the technology needed there. I’ve talked about enforcing the laws…I’ve never talked about a wall at the north, I’m certainly not now. That’s just what happens when things get run amok.”
After Walker’s Sunday interview, Canada’s Defence Minister said the country would “oppose any thickening of the border” as the relatively open border between the two friendly nations is extremely important for open trade. As a sitting governor of a state that borders Canada, Walker obviously knew he had to say something quickly to try to stop any additional damage from his moronic attempt to out-Trump Donald Trump. [ETA: Yeah, Wisconsin is close to Canada but does share a border.] So, why not just say it was all a joke and blame the lamestream media?
This isn’t the first self-inflicted wound that Walker has had to deal with lately. Earlier this month, after Trump released his batshit insane immigration plan, complete with the elimination of birthright citizenship, Walker found himself unable to simply answer the question regarding his stance on the subject. At various times, he shuffled from supporting the repeal of the 14th Amendment to supporting birthright citizenship to not having an opinion one way or the other. Even when asked now, he tends to pivot to talking about border security and avoids directly answering.
His clumsiness with the press, along with the rise of Trump and Tea Party darling Ben Carson, has likely caused Walker to plummet in the GOP polls. In the most recent PPP national Republican survey, Walker, a one-time frontrunner in the primary race, had fallen all the way down to a tie for 8th place with only 5% of support.
Below is video of Walker’s interview, courtesy of Fox News:
“This is just a joke … kinda like my entire election campaign.”
A sitting governor of a state that borders Canada? I assure you, WI does NOT border Canada.