Once Again, Donald Trump Boldly Proclaims That He’ll Win Both The Hispanic And Black Votes

In the world of Donald Trump, everyone absolutely loves him, regardless of the moronic and offensive things that are constantly spewing from his mouth. This delusion has now manifested itself into the billionaire reality TV star telling multiple news shows that he expects that Latinos and African Americans will come out and vote for him for President of the United States. Trump first made that proclamation on Sunday’s This Week, telling host Jonathan Karl that he will win both votes. During a Tuesday appearance on Morning Joe, he reiterated the outlandish claim.
In what has become a regular feature on the Trump-friendly morning program, the real estate mogul called in to gloat about his poll numbers among Republican voters and bask in the praise heaped upon him by sycophantic host Joe Scarborough. When asked about recent polls that show that nearly 8 in 10 Latino voters have a negative opinion of him, Trump brushed it off and said that he’d not only win their vote, but also that of blacks due to his promising to create jobs. (He hasn’t said how he’ll create them, just that he will because he’s going to be “the greatest jobs President God created.)
“I think I’m going to win – this will surprise you – I’m going to win Hispanics, and I think I’m going to win the African-American vote. Because I create jobs and they want jobs.”
Of course, calling most Mexican immigrants rapists, drug dealers and criminals may make it tough to build that coalition of Hispanic and Latino voters. But, per The Donald, he has “a great relationship with the Mexican people” and they absolutely love him! Same goes for “the blacks,” who he says are going to turn out for him in droves despite him being the leading birther conspiracy theorist during his previous flirtation with a White House run. (Something he hasn’t exactly distanced himself from, either.)
Beyond that, Republicans haven’t gotten higher than 10% of the black vote since 1996, when they got 11%. But, of course, the guy who constantly denigrates the nation’s first African-American POTUS and claims he’s a foreign-born usurper is totally going to win over black voters because they love him. (Remember, everyone in the entire world loves Donald Trump, according to Donald Trump.)
Anyway, below is video of the segment, courtesy of MSNBC (it is amazing, great, incredible and HUUUUGE):