Fox News’ Eric Bolling Gets Called Out By His Colleagues For Being A Donald Trump Apologist

It appears the sides are being taken on Fox News now over Donald Trump. On one side, you have the Trump superfans, which consist of the Fox & Friends cast, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Eric Bolling. On the other side, you have the establishment Repubs like Charles Krauthammer, Karl Rove and Brit Hime, along with the other employees who know that Rupert Murdoch is ultimately their boss. During Tuesday’s episode of The Five, Bolling found himself waylaid by co-hosts Greg Gutfeld and Dana Perino over his constant defense of Trump and his labeling of anyone legitimately criticizing the boorish billionaire for his actions as “bashers.”
After another eventful day in Trumpland, where we saw the thin-skinned GOP Presidential candidate go full asshole by doxxing Republican rival Lindsey Graham when he publicly released his private cell phone number, the Fox panel spent a large portion of the broadcast talking about The Donald. (Which, of course, is all Trump really wants.) At a certain point, Gutfeld ambushed Bolling by saying he is getting sick of some people constantly coming to Trump’s defense regardless of what he does, calling out Bolling specifically.
Gutfeld claimed that Bolling is constantly saying that anyone who legitimately criticizes Trump is “bashing” him. After some prodding, Bolling did say that he believes Krauthammer and Rove, among others, bash Trump. He then started to say that it was the criticism of Trump’s actions that lead to other stories getting buried and that he really didn’t like the idea of Republicans criticizing each other when they should be concentrating on the other side.
At that point, Gutfeld and Perino both put their hands up in disbelief as most of what Trump has been doing has been criticizing others in the GOP. “You were okay when Ted Cruz was criticizing Republicans, when Rand Paul was criticizing Republicans, and when Donald Trump was criticizing Republicans,” Gutfeld exclaimed. “But when you criticize Trump, you call it bashing?” Perino would also add her two cents in, essentially saying the same thing as Gutfeld.
Later on in the segment, Gutfeld would say, “Criticism is valuable to the party. But when you recast criticism as bashing, what you’re doing is you’re becoming an apologist.” Ouch. Bolling, when your conservative butt-buddies are telling you that you’re a Trump apologist and hypocrite, then you might want to take a look in the mirror and start doing things a little differently.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Fox News: