Rush Limbaugh Claims Sulu From Star Trek Is Trying To Make All Of America Gay

Well, this was all very predictable. On Friday, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled, in a narrow 5-4 decision, that same-sex marriage will now be legal in all 50 states. Moving forward, no state can legally ban members of the same sex from getting married. People all across the country celebrated the decision and President Obama addressed the nation shortly after and paid homage to the man who brought the lawsuit before the Supreme Court. While the LGBT community and its supporters were elated with the decision, conservative media whined loudly about this being another step towards the United States being irrevocably lost.
No one was more butthurt and angry about the decision than 500-pound bag of putrid garbage Rush Limbaugh. During Friday’s broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show, the conservative host claimed that the ruling was proof that America’s culture is deteriorating rapidly because it is under assault from liberals and gays. Later on in the show, he decided to take aim at one person in particular — Star Trek actor and gay rights activist George Takei.
The actor, best known for playing Sulu on the original Star Trek TV series and its subsequent films, appeared on CNN Friday morning to discuss the SCOTUS decision with Ashleigh Banfield. Limbaugh took issue with Takei bringing up so-called religious freedom laws that certain states have passed recently. In Takei’s mind, these laws are just thinly-veiled attempts to legalize discrimination against homosexuals and transgender people. In Limbaugh’s opinion, Takei and other gays really just want to force their gayness on the American people and make the entire country homosexual.
You see, this is what’s wrong with this. Nobody in the… I can’t believe I’m saying this. Nobody in the heterosexual world is forcing anything on anybody. They’re minding their own business and having something forced on them, is what’s happening here. So Mr. Takei says: Hey, you’re free to have your religious beliefs. Have them all you like. I have mine, too. But you can’t impose your religious values on to others.
(But Mr. Takei and his group can impose their beliefs on you all day every day or you will lose your business.) You honoring your religion… You own a bake store, to give an example. A gay couple walks in; wants a cake. You say, “Sorry, my religion forbids supporting gay marriage.” That’s the end of your business. That couple’s going to walk out, go somewhere, come back with an army of lawyers, and you’re finished.
Instead of just going someplace that will bake them a cake, they’re going to focus on the place that wouldn’t because of religious freedom. This is not about joining. It’s not about being accepted. It’s about overthrowing. And Mr. Takei has just admitted so. (summarized) “Hey, you’re free to have your religious beliefs all day long. I believe in religious beliefs,” he says. “I support them. But that doesn’t mean you can impose them.”
How is somebody who owns a business, minding their own business, a gay couple comes in and wants a cake or a picture taken or what have you: “Sorry, can’t.” How is that marriage, that gay marriage, being imposed upon? A baker refusing to bake a cake is not stopping the wedding. A baker refusing to bake the cake is not preventing the couple from being in love and they’re not preventing them from going out and finding another cake. They’re not preventing them from anything.
This group just doesn’t want to bake the cake. There are plenty of other places that will. But they don’t go there. They stay focused on the place that won’t and they get put out of business or try to. Now, who is imposing on who? Mr. Takei says we’re not stopping. Religious liberty is next. There isn’t going to be any. Because, folks, religious liberty is the target here, or religion is the target, ultimately that’s what this is really all about. That’s why I say this is far more about politics than policy.
Hmmmm. That is definitely an interesting take, Rush. Instead of trying to be fully accepted by a society that has always shunned them and treated them like second-class citizens, the real motive of the LGBT community in making same-sex marriage legal in the country and fighting back against religious freedom laws is that they want to “overthrow” the country and force everyone to be gay like them. That is a very reasonable opinion, Mr. Limbaugh. I am sure there is a whole lot of truth feeding that idea.
I am sure that very soon, there will be heterosexual concentration camps and gay re-education farms. Believe in El Rushbo! Don’t simply brush his opinions off as if derived from an abuser of hillbilly heroin.