Joe Scarborough: ‘Let Me Assure You’ Trump Is Not Taking Hydroxychloroquine

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough told his TV audience on Tuesday that there’s no way President Donald Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine. The Morning Joe host said that in his personal experience of Trump, he would never take a drug that his own administration said could kill him.
Scarborough explained that Trump saying he’s taking the untested Coronavirus treatment is just a distraction, quite likely from Secretary of State Mike Pompeos’ connection to Saudi arms sales.
“But when the President of the United States actually says he’s doing something which, let me assure you, he is not doing — let me assure you, the President of the United States is not taking hydroxychloroquine,” Scarborough said.
“In all the time that I knew him, I only sat for one meal with him and before that meal, he had wipes like this high and would just go through the wipes, compulsively, and wipe his hands, sanitize his hands before eating anything.”
“So he’s not taking something that his own administration has said will kill you, that his own FDA said will kill you, that the VA said will kill you.”
“And I say this to seniors who I’m so worried about, and I know we’re all worried about you, because the President’s been acting so reckless over the past several months — listen to Neil Cavuto, it will kill you. This will kill you, Fox News’ Neil Cavuto said. That’s what doctors will say, too. The FDA said, take it if you’re in the hospital or take it if you’re in a closely watched, clinical trial. Don’t take it unless you’re under those two circumstances.”
“So the President’ not taking it and, yet, yet, he’s telling Americans that they should take it. It takes his responsibility to a whole new level, Willie [Geist]. I’ve got to say, this is a man who, from the very beginning of his administration, has acted like he doesn’t want to be re-elected. And I’m dead serious about that. He does things every day that only cause more problems for himself.”
Scarborough warned that people like Trump shouldn’t be taking the drug.
“I mean, he’s old. He is overweight. He certainly does — he is at least — would fit into the obese category. Those are real risks for having a very bad reaction to Covid-19,” Scarborough said.
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.