Democratic Rep. Katherine Clark on Impeachment: Facts ‘Are Painting a Stark Picture of Betrayal’

Democratic Congresswoman Katherine Clark has accused President Donald Trump of furthering his political agenda by his actions toward Ukraine. Clark spoke to MSNBC’s Morning Joe ahead of Thursday’s crucial House vote on impeachment.
Co-host Joe Scarborough asked Clark why she and other Democrats thought Trump’s behavior was impeachable.
“I think we have to look at our Constitution,” Clark said. “Look at what our Founders told us. They were concerned about foreign governments interfering in our elections, in our government. And it seems with President Trump every sentence that begins with him ends with Putin.”
“And what we are finding here is that he did exactly what the whistleblower said,” she said. “This is being corroborated by witness after witness. He put it out in the transcript, ‘do us a favor, though’. And he put his own political agenda, his own campaign over the very real security interests of Americans and of an ally in Ukraine who needed us.”
“It has been put out starkly by witnesses, this is a life or death issue for Ukraine people every single day – Ukrainian people. And we have to answer that. And what we have with the Democrats is, we are taking this deliberatively.”
“We are being solemn and sober about this. But we have to get the facts out in front of the American people. And the facts that have emerged in just the last five weeks are painting a stark picture of betrayal.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.